No offense but… there’s a solid chance I have been to more weddings than you have and so I feel authorized to dish out the following hot take:
You and your partner just got married… No seriously like… you just got MARRIED! I can guarantee that this day is going to feel like it flies by so take a little time for yourself!
Of course having a photographer and videographer there are GREAT ways to help document the day and get all of the little things you feel you may forget or you didn’t catch the first time around.
But I also know that slowing down and taking time for yourself is an amazing way to not feel as though things are passing by so quickly. I have no issues being the bad guy in this situation to pull you away from everyone (because trust me, everyone will sprint over to say hello any opening they get) and say I need you for photos even if I don’t 😉
During this time you could:
So if this is something that sounds like it may help you avoid the crazy for a couple of minutes and also remember your day that much more, than I will personally build it in to your schedule and make sure it happens.
I know you will be dearly missed during these 5 – 10 minutes but the time you get with each other is priceless so I think everyone can miss you for a few minutes.
And trust me, I am not the only person who feels this way. You can see what some other photographers and other couples had to say about their wedding day flying by HERE. So take it not just from me, but from other professionals and other COUPLES- you will want to take some time with your new spouse after your ceremony to be present and soak in the most of the day that you can.
Click here to chat with me about including this in your wedding day!